BioInitiative Group Seeks Tougher Exposure Limits
An international group of researchers has thrown down the gauntlet. The Bioinitiative Working Group is challenging the EMF power structure to set much stricter exposure standards for power lines, cell phones, cell towers and other sources of electromagnetic radiation.
"'Business as usual' is unacceptable," says David Carpenter, the director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at New York's University of Albany, on releasing the working group's extensive report. Its general conclusion is that there are many biological effects at levels that are well below current standards and that the "existing safety limits are inadequate to protect public health." Carpenter and Cindy Sage, a consultant based in Santa Barbara, CA, coordinated the Bioinitiative group and edited the report.
Among the group's key recommendations are:
• a 1mG limit for homes where children and/or pregnant women live;
• a "precautionary limit" of 0.1µW/cm² (0.6V/m) for RF exposures where "people live, work and go to school."
These proposed levels are on the order of 1,000 times more stringent than current limits adopted by ICNIRP and the IEEE's ICES.
In addition to Carpenter and Sage, the contributors to the report are: Carl Blackman, Martin Blank, Guangdi Chen, Zoreh Davanipour, David Gee, Lennart Hardell, Olle Johansson, Michael Kundi, Henry Lai, Kjell Hansson Mild, Gene Sobel and Zhengping Xu. All 21 sections of the report are available as free downloads from the Bioinitiative Web site.
Will those responsible for developing EMF policies on both the international and national levels now review the Bioinitiative's findings and engage in a dialogue over what the appropriate exposure limits should be? Or will they simply ignore them and continue with business as usual? We think we know the answer, but we're ready to be surprised.