On March 15, Richard Saunders, head of the non-ionizing radiation effects group at the U.K.’s National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB), will join the WHO’s EMF project in Geneva for an 11-month sabbatical.
Saunders, who received his doctorate in zoology and comparative physiology in 1973, has spent most of the last 30 years at the NRPB. He is a member of ICNIRP’s standing committee on biology.
Meanwhile, Mike Repacholi, who runs the EMF project, has yet to hire a full-time replacement for Leeka Kheifets, who returned to California last year after a two-year stint in Geneva. Kheifets continues to serve as a consultant to the project. Repacholi was recently spotted in the U.S. seeking financial support for his work on EMFs. No word yet on how well he did.